Assistant Treasurer
Adopted November 2012, amended February 2015, amended March 2016, amended March 2017, amended July 2019, amended January 2024, amended February 2025
Purpose: The purpose of this club is to facilitate interest in the hot rod hobby within the Northshore Massachusetts community, and to encourage camaraderie among the members of this community.
1. Officers: The Officers of the club are five (5) co-equal regular committee members, a treasurer and an assistant treasurer. Regular committee members are elected to staggered two year terms.The treasurer and assistant treasurer are elected and serve “at will” with no definitive terms. Regular committee members can be elected for up to two (2) consecutive two year terms, but cannot be elected to three (3) or more consecutive terms unless there is no other candidate. Any Officer can be removed by a vote of the members at a regular meeting, or if they are no longer members in good standing. Candidates for office must be members in good standing for at least one year prior to their election. The election will be held at the May meeting. Vacancies can be filled at any regular meeting.
2. Membership: Membership is open to anyone sponsored by a club member in good standing. To be eligible for membership, prospective members must sign the guest book at each meeting that they attend and must attend six (6) meetings in a twelve (12) month period. It is the responsibility of the membership candidate to sign the guest book in person. Eligible candidates will be voted on at the seventh (7th) meeting.
3. Membership limitations: Membership is limited to one hundred (100) members. When membership declines below one hundred (100), vacancies can be filled to bring the membership back to one hundred (100). The membership can vote to lower the maximum limit of one hundred (100) by calling for a vote to do so.
4. Dues: Annual membership dues (currently $50.00) are due by the May meeting. Members in good standing must remain current with their dues. Delinquent dues (after June 30th) will be liable for a twenty five dollar ($25.00) penalty. Lapsed members who wish to rejoin will also be liable for the penalty of twenty five dollars ($25.00).
5. Voting: Only members in good standing are allowed to vote. Votes will be cast by a show of hands, or at the discretion of the Committee, a secret ballot. All votes will be a simple majority of the members present at a regular meeting. Significant issues to be voted on will be announced in the club newsletter prior to the meeting.
6. Meetings: Regular meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. The locations vary and will be announced in the club newsletter and on the website.
7. Plaques: It is intended that the Strokers plaques will be displayed only on member's hot rods. A hot rod, for this purpose, is defined as an American made vehicle that is of a model year of 1972 or older, or a replica of such a vehicle. Exceptions can be made for other vehicles at the discretion of the Committee.
8. Charitable Contributions: The Charity and amount of Club Contributions will be decided by member vote at a pre-determined meeting.
9. Amendments: Amendments to these guidelines may be made by a vote of the members at any regular meeting provided that the nature of the amendment is announced in the preceding newsletter.
Copyright © 2025 Strokers Hot Rod Club ~ North Shore MA - All Rights Reserved.